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The War on Drugs in Numbers

The state of our union is grim. From our lens, focusing on drug policy, drug use, and addiction, The United States of America is in rough shape. Drug abuse remains high. Incarceration remains mass. Addiction remains ostracized. Americans keep dying. A global health crisis, a worldwide struggle, has only exacerbated these realities. 

You could say that we are stuck in a sunk-cost fallacy. Despite decades of evidence to the contrary, The United States of America continues to try the impossible: end drug use through punitive action, through criminalization. 

This is not an effort without serious costs and serious repercussions. Our ignorance and stubbornness has caused immeasurable suffering, disproportionally against our disadvantaged populations. 

This is just a small image of what a war against Americans looks like:


"Every 25 seconds, someone in America is arrested for drug possession."

"One-fifth of the incarcerated population -

or 456,000 individuals - is serving time for a drug charge."

Despite only having 5% of the world's population,

America has 25% of the world's incarcerated population.

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